For students in Grades 1 - 8
Registration is open!
Click here to view course descriptions
St. Albert Super Cool Summer School offers a variety of great programs for kids in Grades 1-8. Low student ratios offer extra help and enrichment with a focus on individualization. Emphasis is placed on positive learning while building skills, knowledge and confidence. Interesting and innovative teaching revisits concepts that may have been difficult and prepares students for future grades. Certified teachers teach all academic courses. Super Cool Summer School will be hosted by Greater St. Albert Catholic Schools in 2024.
Classes will run Monday through Friday, 9 am-noon and 12:30-3:30 pm, from July 2-5 and July 8-12, 2024. The program will operate from Sister Alphonse Academy (1 Joyal Way).
- All courses are offered in age-appropriate instructional groupings.
- Lunch supervision is available for $20/week.
- Course fee: $140/course plus materials cost if needed.
- Online registration: Register and pay online by Visa, Mastercard or debit.
- Information: Contact Curtis Thompson at cthompson@gsacrd.ab.ca.