Education Plan

SAM Education Plan 2022-2026

SAM School engages our school community in a process that helped to inform important revisions to our Education Plan.  Each year, schools are responsible for:

  • annually updating their Education Plan;
  • involve their School Council in updating their plan; and,
  • posting their plan on the school's website.

During our September and October School Council meetings, our Education Plan was presented to our families, we shared possible revisions to our key strategies and actions, we gathered feedback on our plan, and we invited any questions.  

SAM’s school goals this year continue to focus on:

  • Enhancing connection, community and culture,
  • Cultivating learning relationships, and 
  • Harnessing pedagogy and assessment as tools for equity.

You can find our entire Education Plan for the 2024-25 school year below:

Education Plan 2024-25

If you have any additional questions, comments, or suggestions, regarding the SAM Education Plan 2022-2026, please contact

Education Plan Presentation 2023-2024