Wednesday, November 27, 2024
6:00 - 8:00pm at SAM School
Presentation Information
The internet plays an integral role in everyone’s lives, and when it comes to youth, their social lives exist largely in cyberspace. Over the course of the past four years and through the global pandemic, Alberta has experienced a significant increase in cases of child exploitation on the internet. With more users online than ever before, and new apps and software being developed every day, it can be difficult for parents and teachers to keep on top of the latest trending platform. Advancements in technology are exciting and helpful, but it opens an ever-growing gap between the levels of digital literacy between youths and busy adults.
The Northern Alberta Internet Child Exploitation (ICE) Unit investigates incidents of child luring, sextortion, possession, transmission and the making of child pornography as well as internet-related voyeurism involving youth. This presentation will focus on education, prevention and putting parents and teachers in a position to protect their children from online sexual exploitation. The presenters will discuss the role of ICE in Alberta, Sextortion, sharing of intimate images, current online applications and internet platforms, and additional resources which are available to parents so they will be able to better support healthy and productive online experiences for their children and teens.
Due to the content of this presentation it is recommended that children DO NOT attend.
This is a free event and we welcome all families to this important presentation.
Click here to register -- preregistering for the event will help the school make appropriate arrangements to facilitate the size of the audience.
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