Want to Volunteer?

Our SAM Fundraising team is always appreciative of your help! There are many low commitment ways that you can help out with the fundraising at SAM School. A few hours of your time goes a long way in putting on some incredible events for our school community, as well as fundraising money to support student learning.
If you are interested in volunteering, please click here to view our volunteer sign up:
If you would like more information about any of these opportunities, please contact: Sean Cheyney, the Volunteer Coordinator of SAM Fundraising using at samfundraising@spschools.org.
$22,853.51 Raised by our SAM Fundraising Society!

Throughout the 2023-24 school year, our SAM Fundraising Society raised $22,853.51 to support SAM School! This is incredible and will help to provide free swim lessons to all of our students!
A huge thank you to everyone who ran and volunteered for any of the fundraising campaigns throughout the year, and thank you to everyone who supported all the fundraising activities and events!